Student Support Services Division
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- Department Homepage
- School Counselors
- Community Resources for Families
- Student Records
- Student Assistance Program
- Bullying Prevention
- Peer Leaders Uniting Students
- Restorative Practices
- Positive School Climate
- Tobacco Use Prevention Education
- HHI (Home Hospital Instruction) Program
- Suicide Prevention
- Section 504
- Student Code of Conduct
- Nondiscrimination
- Sexual Harassment
- LGBTQ Resources/Supports
- UCP Compliants
- De-escalation Strategies
- LCSSP Grant
Introduction to Student Assistance Program
The goal of the SUSD multi-tiered SAP process is to work with the classroom teacher to identify struggling students who are exhibiting , academic, behavioral and/or social-emotional needs. The site collaborative team utilizes the respective professional knowledge of the site multi-discipline team members to appraise the whole child in order to provide the child and the classroom teacher necessary support, providing or connecting student and family to a full-scope of remedial interventions based on the appraised targeted areas of need.
The SAP process is a tiered system of support:
Tier 1: Universal Classroom Interventions & Structures
Tier 2: Selective Intervention & CARE Team
Tier 3: Targeted Intervention & SST