Student Support Services Division
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- LCSSP Grant
Learning Communities for School Success Program Description
This program was established following the passage of Proposition 47, the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act (SNSA).
California voters passed Proposition 47, the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act(SNSA), in November 2014. Subsequent legislation in 2016 established the Learning Communities for School Success Program (LCSSP).
The LCSSP was established for the purpose of implementing the K-12 education portion of the SNSA. Through this program, the Department will administer grants and coordinate assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) to support their efforts in identifying and implementing evidence-based, nonpunitive programs and practices aligned with the goals for pupils contained in each of their local control and accountability plans (LCAP), pursuant to Education Code (EC) Section 47606.5, 52060, or 52066, as applicable.
The goals of the LCSSP are to support evidence-based, non-punitive programs and practices to keep the state’s most vulnerable pupils in school. These programs and practices must complement and enhance the actions and services identified to meet the LEA’s goals per the LEA’s LCAP.
Goals: The goals of the LCSSP are to support evidence-based, non-punitive programs and practices aimed at keeping the state’s most vulnerable pupils in school. These programs and practices must complement and enhance the actions and services identified to meet the LEA’s goals as provided in their LCAP.
Stockton Unified LCSSP Proposed Project for 2022-2025
Prepared by Student Support Services Department – Jennifer Robles, School Counselor Program SpecialistThe focus of the grant will be supporting the SUSD LCAP goals of implementing Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Trauma Informed Schools, Restorative Practices, and Parent and Family Engagement. Grant activities are designed to complement LCAP activities and to address School Climate and Chronic Absenteeism.
Addressing School Climate and implementing comprehensive Social Emotional Learning are best practices for addressing chronic absenteeism. The theme of the grant will be “Connect and Support” to reflect the “Big 3” principles of PBIS, Restorative Practices, and Trauma Informed Schools of 1) Caring Relationships, 2) Positive Interventions, and 3) Proactive Strategies. “Connect and Support” also speaks to the current need for reconnecting students and families and schools as we all continue to recover from the trauma and disruption of the Covid 19 pandemic.
The grant proposal includes 4 projects that will provide Tier 1 supports and resources to the district’s 42 TK-8 Schools. The 4 projects include:
- Connect and Support SEL and Wellness Lessons for Students ($140,000/yr)
- Student Services is partnering with Curriculum to support the development of the TK-8 PE Scope and Sequence Guide to incorporate grade level Second Step SEL curriculum lessons.
- Curriculum has a steering committee of TK-8 Teachers that identified the needs and are currently working on developing goals. In Year 1 of the grant, this steering committee will create an implementation guide with scope and sequence for PE lessons that address the whole child, including physical and emotional development. In Years 2 and 3, the grant will provide training and support for district wide implementation.
- Teachers recognized the need for supporting physical and emotional development and incorporating into a whole child approach to PE. After the isolated and sedentary nature of distance learning, teachers have noticed that students do not have the same coordination, balance, physical, and social skills that were typical of students in their grade level. This disruption in development has also impacted learning as it has affected attention and focus.
- For many students, PE is a favorite subject. This project will also provide new equipment ($10,000 per school) to motivate students to connect to school.
- Teaching SEL is a primary prevention strategy for supporting the whole child, reducing behavior concerns, and preventing mental health concerns. SEL is included in our LCAP Equitable Learning Environments Goal and is a Trauma Informed best practice.
- Connect and Support Community Events for Families ($168,000/yr)
- Student Services/Child Welfare and Attendance is partnering with the Parent Resource Center to provide “Connect and Support” events for families.
- Parent Resource Center staff are planning community events in 6 of the neighborhoods most in need in our community. Each neighborhood will receive 3 annual events, Summer, Fall, and Spring.
- In Year 1 the events will focus on “Connect and Support” and welcoming families back to schools with volunteer registration and school staff providing welcome and outreach activities.
- The events will also connect parents with the Wellness PE/SEL lessons. Each event will have stations for families to practice activities from the lessons and ideas for how to practice health and fitness at home.
- The goals of the events are to increase family engagement and support community connections and safety in our neighborhoods that have been hit the hardest by violence.
- Parent engagement is a best practice for addressing school climate and chronic absenteeism.
- This supports the LCAP Meaningful Partnerships goal for Parent Resource Center activities.
- Connect and Support Professional Development Series for Teachers ($70,000/yr)
- Teachers are also in need of reconnecting and being supported after the trauma and disruption of the Covid 19 pandemic.
- This project supports the Equitable Learning Environments LCAP goal by providing funding for trainers in Whole Child and Brain Based strategies to supplement the Trauma Informed Schools project.
- All teachers at 14 schools per year will be offered Professional Development and follow up technical support in implementing strategies to connect with students, support emotional regulation, de-escalate student behavior, and strategies for incorporating remediation and learning supports.
- Connect and Support Home Visits – Special Project for Grades Tk-3 (priority group-$257,000/yr)
- Our youngest students experience the highest chronic absenteeism. Connecting with families is a primary prevention best practice for promoting school climate and reducing chronic absenteeism.
- Student Services/Child Welfare and Attendance will support schools in providing “Welcome to School” home visits. CWA staff will make home visits with classroom teachers to meet the families of students who will be starting in their classes for students in grades TK-3.
- This project also includes monthly home visits by CWA staff for recognizing students and families who have improved attendance to maintain the connection and keep up the support.
- Welcome programs are a best practice for school climate and chronic absenteeism.
- This project also supports our LCAP Meaningful Partnerships goal for parent outreach and engagement.