Child Nutrition & Food Services


    SUSD provides breakfast and lunch at no charge to enrolled students.

    The SUSD Child Nutrition/Food Services Department will be participating in the Community Eligibility Provision of the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program for the 2024-25 school year.

    All enrolled students at Community Eligibility Provision schools are eligible to receive breakfast and lunch at school, every school day, at no charge to your household.

    The following schools are participating in SUSD's Community Eligibility Provision in the 2024-25 School Year:

    Adams, August, Bush, Chavez, Cleveland, Edison, El Dorado, Elmwood, Fillmore, Flora Arca Mata, Franklin, Fremont, Grunsky, Hamilton, Harrison, Hazelton, Health Careers Academy, Henry, Hong-Kingston, Hoover, Huerta, Jane Frederick, Kennedy, King, Kohl, Madison, Marshall, McKinley, Merlo, Monroe, Montezuma, Nightingale, Preschool Assessment Autism Center, Pacific Law Academy, Peyton, Pittman, Primary Years Academy, Pulliam, Rio Calaveras, Roosevelt, San Joaquin, Sierra School of San Joaquin, Skills, Spanos, Stagg, Stockton Early College Academy, Stockton High, Taft, Taylor, Van Buren, Victory, Walton, Washington, Weber, Wilson & Young Adult Program.

    We look forward to serving breakfast and lunch for your children this school year!


     Medical Statement to Request Special Meals

     Parent Request for Substitute Milk Form

    Eligibility Letter to the Household




  • Child Nutrition/Food Services
    (209) 933-7015, ext 2260
    1944 N. El Pinal Drive
    Stockton, CA 95205

    Thomas Arganda, MPA, SNS
    Director, Child Nutrition/Food Services
    (209) 933-7015, ext. 2261

    Ann Haley
    Operations Manager
    (209) 933-7015, ext. 2274

    Peter Brookens III
    Operations Supervisor
    (209) 933-7015, ext. 2271

    Sandra Constantino
    Operations Supervisor
    (209) 933-7015, ext. 2264

    Donna Taves
    Operations Supervisor
    (209) 933-7015, ext. 2275

    Tanya Shoptaw
    Operations Supervisor
    (209) 933-7015, ext. 2265

    Chloe Santiago
    Nutrition Specialist
    (209) 933-7015, ext. 2263

    Tim McCormick
    Child Nutrition Program Supervisor

    (209) 933-7015, ext. 2270 

  • This institution is an equal opportunity provider.