Community Relations Department
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District Headlines
Talking to children about violence
Families and school personnel play a critical role in helping to reestablish a sense of normalcy and security for children after an act of violence occurs.
Say Something Anonymous Reporting System
The only anonymous reporting system to provide a holistic solution to school violence prevention. Featuring educational program, easy-to-use reporting technology, ongoing curriculum, and sustainability support.
Dual Immersion
Do you want your child to become bilingual and biliterate? SUSD has dual language immersion sites available for K-2!
We Are Hiring!
Join us, Saturday, September 7 at Stagg High School from 9:00am - noon. Click here for more information.
SUSD Highest Paid in the Area
UPDATED: MAY 2024. SUSD's commitment to investing in staff is supported in a side-by-side comparison with 9 other districts intentionally selected based on their location and/or their comparability as a district to SUSD.
DOJ Agreement
This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our educators, staff, students, and Department of Public Safety.
Panorama Feedback Highlights
This is the first annual comprehensive survey that provides a venue for students, families, and staff to let SUSD know how we are doing. Click here to view the feedback highlights.
Public Accountability Dashboard
SUSD’s Public Accountability Dashboard reflects 44 priority recommendations developed with our staff and community. The Dashboard shows the critical progress we are making to drive decisive and lasting positive impacts in the lives of our Stockton educational community.
ELOP Afterschool Registration
Registration for the 2024-25 ELOP afterschool program opens May 20 at 4:00 pm. Click here for more details.