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Labor Relations
Welcome to Human Resources’ Labor Relations page, your dedicated source for staying abreast of the latest developments in labor negotiations affecting SUSD. In our commitment to transparency and communication, we've created this platform to keep staff informed and engaged. Human Resources understands the invaluable contributions our employees provide to SUSD and the pivotal role that fair and effective negotiations play in shaping the education landscape.
Important Links:
Ongoing negotiation UPDATES:
CSEA 318 & CSEA 821
The District, CSEA 318 & CSEA 821 met to settle a Level III grievance regarding summer payroll errors. Although the District disagrees with the claim that it violated the Parties' collective bargaining agreement, all parties have reached a settlement agreement. Settlement agreements are attached.
The District and SPPA met to negotiate the Side Letter proposal and the work year calendar to address staffing challenges for SLPs and the SLP Chairperson. SPPA initiated the discussion with a counter proposal, followed by the District presenting a counter proposal. However, no agreement was reached by either party today.
The Parties are scheduled to continue negotiations on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 due to SPPA's availability.
CSEA 821
The District and CSEA 821 met to negotiate a new job description, Parent Liaison ECE. CSEA provided a counter proposal (attached). An agreement was not reached today.
The Parties are scheduled to continue negotiations on Thursday, September 12, 2024.
The District has provided SPPA with the draft proposed work year calendar for SLP's and SLP Chairperson. The Parties are scheduled to negotiate on September 17, 2024.
The Parties met via Zoom and discussed the District's proposal to address staffing challenges regarding SLP’s. The District passed a revised proposal (attached). SPPA requested a work year calendar for SLP's and SLP chairperson.
The District is to provide SPPA with a draft work year calendars.
08/05/2024 SPPA The District sent a proposal to SPPA to address staffing challenges for SLP's. The District is awaiting a response from SPPA. Draft Proposal 08/05/2024
The Parties discussed increasing substitute rates for 2024-25 fiscal year. Both parties came to an agreement for the following substitute rates.
The MOU is awaiting ratification from the SUSD governing board 8/27/24, pending approval by SJCOE.
The Parties met for a full day of negotiations. After passing articles back and forth throughout the day, the parties were able to reach a tentative agreement!
Congratulations to NUHW on their new initial contract
NUHW and the District met on June 20th to continue initial contract negotiations. The parties were able to come to an agreement for the following articles:
- Union Rights
- Health and Welfare which included proposed Retirement language
- Holidays
- Vacation
Next session is scheduled for June 26th for an all day session in hopes of coming to a tentative agreement.
N/A 06/18/24
Today’s negotiations 6/18/24 were canceled per NUHW request.
Next session is scheduled for June 20, 2024
CSEA 885
CSEA 885 and the District met for an all day negotiation meeting on June 11. After passing articles back and forth, we are happy to announce the parties reached a tentative agreement!
The agreement includes:
- 4% salary increase for 2022-23
- 3% salary increase for 2023-24 plus an additional one time lump sum payment of $5,000
- 1% salary increase plus an additional one time lump sum payment of $2,500 for 2024-25
NUHW and the District met on 06/06 to continue initial contract negotiations. The parties reached an agreement to the articles regarding Union Rights, Union Access and Information, Evaluation, Safety, and Pay and Allowances
The remaining articles left to be negotiated are:
- Management Rights
- Hours
- Work Year Calendar
- Leaves
- Holidays
- Vacation
Negotiations are scheduled for June 18, June 20, and (if needed) an all day session on June 26.
CSEA 885
CSEA 885 and the District met on 05/28/2024 to continue contract negotiations. The District was able to provide counter proposals for the following
- Article 7: Hours and Overtime
- Article 9: Working Conditions
- Article 14: Vacation Plan
- Article 16: Layoff, Reemployment and Reduction of Hours
The parties were not able to come into an agreement and have scheduled an all day negotiation meeting on June 11
NUHW and the District met on 05/23/2024 to continue initial contract negotiations. Union passed counter proposal regarding Pay and Allowances which limited member’s calendars to reduce starting in July 2024. While the meeting continued after business hours, no agreement was reached.
Negotiations are scheduled for June 6 and June 7
CSEA 821
SEA 821 and the District met on 05/17 for a full day of negotiations. After passing 6 different articles back and forth, we are happy to announce the parties were able to reach a tentative agreement!
The agreement includes:
- CALPERS Healthcare Cost Impaction including a $5,000 one time lump sum payment
- 4% salary increase for 2022-23
- 3% salary increase for 2023-24 plus an additional one time lump sum of $5,000
- 1% salary increase for 2024-25 including an additional one-time lump sum of $2,500
CSEA 318
CSEA 318 and the district met today for a full day of negotiations. After passing Articles back and forth throughout the day, the parties were able to reach a tentative agreement!Some of the highlights included:-
4% on base salary increase for 2022-23
3% salary increase for 2023-24
A one-time bonus of $7,500
CalPERS Health Care mitigation agreement, which was agreed upon last month.This agreement also included a $5,000 retention bonus.
SUSDPOA and the District met on May 10th and successfully reached a tentative agreement on the Initial Contract!05/09/24
NUHW and the District met on May 9 to continue negotiations.The District passed counter proposals regarding the following items-
Disciplinary Action
Grievance Procedure
The Union passed proposals regarding the following items-
Layoff and Reemployment
Once negotiations were complete, the parties were able to agree to 4 articles regarding Layoff and Reemployment, Disciplinary Action, Grievance Procedure and TransferWith 8 articles left to negotiate, the parties are very hopeful the union will have their complete and initial contract soon. The next negotiation date is scheduled for May 23rd5/8/2024
STA and the District met on 5/7/24 all day and late into the afternoon for negotiations.After passing several Articles back and forth, we are happy to announce that we have reached a Tentative Agreement! Some of the highlights of ALL the recent agreements this year are (including CalPers agreement):-
$4,000 added to each salary schedule cell starting in 2022-23 school year, this approximately equals a 4% ongoing raise. Placing the money directly on the cells benefits all employees, especially our lowest-paid teachers.
A 3% ongoing salary increase for 2023-24
A 1% ongoing salary increase for 2024-25
Added longevity for STA members starting on 2025-26 to create parity with other unions that also receive longevity.
A one-time bonus of $7,500!
Doing away with the hourly salary schedule and start paying teachers their “real” hourly rate, which is their daily rate divided by the hours they work in a day - again creating parity with other unions (MOU).
CalPERS Health Care mitigation agreement, which was agreed upon earlier this year, now gives all employees the option to receive free health care (Kaiser option). This agreement also included a one-time 4% and a $5,000 retention bonus.
Though it was hard work and not easy at times, both negotiating teams worked collaboratively and respectfully to reach these agreements. We thank everyone who participated in the teams and look forward to continue to work with our union partners.5/2/2024
NUHW and the District met on 05/02 to resume negotiations.The District passed counter proposals regarding the following items-
Union Rights
NUHW passed counter proposals regarding the following items-
Disciplinary Action
Grievance Procedure
Evaluation and Probationary Period
The District also passed Pay and Allowances article which includes:• Effective July 1, 2022: 2% base salary only• Effective July 1, 2023: 4% plus an additional one-time lump sum payment of $5,000.The next negotiation dates are scheduled for May 9 and May 23.5/2/2024
CSEA 821
On May 2nd, the District sent a counter proposal through email to CSEA 821 regarding the CalPERS Health Care Mitigation Proposal.Next negotiation date is scheduled on May 16.5/1/2024
CSEA 885
CSEA 885 and the District met on 5/01/2024 for contract negotiations for 2023-2024 reopeners.Both parties came to a Tentative Agreement regarding the District’s Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation proposal, which includes a $5,000 Retention bonus!Parties agreed to Article 8: Pay and Allowances which includes:• Effective July 1, 2022: 2% base salary only• Effective July 1, 2023: 4% plus an additional one-time lump sum payment of $5,000.Next negotiation date is scheduled for May 22.4/29/2024
CSEA 821
CSEA 821 and the District met on 4/29/2024 for contract negotiations for 2023-2024 reopeners.The District passed proposals regarding the following items-
CalPERS Health Care Mitigation Proposal
Article 8: Pay and Allowances
CSEA 821 countered with:-
CalPERS Health Care Mitigation Proposal
Article 19: Working Conditions
Ultimately, we came close to an agreement on the CalPERS Health Care Mitigation Proposal. However, the union made a counterproposal that only benefits some members who receive the medical rebate.4/29/2024
CSEA 318
CSEA 318 and the District met on 4/29/2024 for reopener negotiations for 2023-2024.Both parties came to a Tentative Agreement regarding the District’s Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation proposal, which includes a $5,000 Retention bonus!Parties are negotiating Article 15: Leaves and Article 8: Pay and Allowances which includes:• Effective July 1, 2022: 2% base salary only• Effective July 1, 2023: 4% plus an additional one-time lump sum payment of $7,500.Next negotiation dates are scheduled for May 15 and May 20.4/23/2024
STA and the District met on 4/23/24 to continue negotiations.The District passed counter proposals on the following articles.-
Hourly Rate MOU
2024 Summer Learning MOU
Article 11, Community Schools
Article 14, Teacher/Association Rights
Article 17, Transfer & Assignment
STA passed counter proposals on the following articles.-
Article 4, Fringe Benefits
Article 18, Wages
Article 19, SPED
Both parties agreed on the following MOU’s:-
Hourly Rate MOU
2024 Summer Learning MOU
Next negotiation meetings have been scheduled for May 7 and May 214/23/2024
SUSD POA and the District met on 04/2/2024 to continue negotiations. The district passed articles on:-
Check-off and Organizational Security
Hold Harmless Clause
Release Records
Organizational Rights
Safety Conditions
PORAC/Legal Defense Fund
Layoff and Reemployment
Disciplinary Procedures
Policies and Procedures
Job Steward
Next negotiation meetings are scheduled for May 10 and May 22, 2024N/A
SUSU and the District met on 04/18/2024 to negotiate 2023-24.Parties agreed to the following:• Effective July 1, 2022: 2% base salary only• Effective July 1, 2023: 4% plus an additional one-time lump sum payment of $5,000.Negotiations are concluded for 2023-24 with reopeners for the 2024-25 school year.4/18/2024
SPPA and the District met on 04/18/2024 for contract negotiations for 2022-23 and the MOU regarding the extra compensation for SLP’s and School Psychologists.Next negotiation meeting is May 9th4/17/2024
CSEA 821
CSEA 821 and the District met on 04/17/2024 for contract negotiations for 2023-2024 reopeners.
The District provided proposals to the following items:
Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation
Article 8, Pay and Allowances
CSEA 821 provided counter-proposals to the following items:
Article 8, Pay and Allowances
Article 10, Fringe Benefits.
The next negotiation meeting is scheduled for April 29, 2024.
District Proposal_ Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation_04.17.2024
USA and the District met on 4/12/2024 for contract negotiations for 2023-24 reopeners.
Both parties have come to an agreement on all opened Articles!
Article 1 – Agreement/Recognition
Article 3 – Work year Calendar
Article 6 – Wages
Article 8 – Leaves
Article 11 – Safety
Article 16 – Duration
Some highlights are:
2% on-schedule salary increase for 22-23
4% on-schedule salary increase 23-24
The District is finalizing the Tentative Agreement. Once approved, the agreement will be posted.
CSEA 885
The district passed a counter-proposal for HealthCare Mitigation, which included an on-schedule 2% increase for 2022-2023 and a 4% on-schedule salary increase to 23-24.
The District passed Article 8: Pay and Allowances article explaining the retroactive payments and included the $5,000 lump sum.
The next negotiation meeting is May 1, 2024
The district passed an Amended counter-proposal on Article 18: Wages with an added 2% on-schedule for 22-23 in addition to the 4% for 23-24 as well as the one-time $5,000 lump sum.
STA passed counterproposals on:
MOU for 2024 Summer Learning
Article 6: Teaching Hours
Article 14: Teacher/Association Rights
Article 17: Transfer & Assignment
STA passed a new MOU regarding “Salary Hourly Rate Evanescent Displacement” which replaces the STA Hourly Salary Schedule with a per-diem hourly pay structure. STA proposed that this MOU be attached and dependent to, the Summer School MOU.
The next negotiation meetings have been scheduled for April 23, May 7, and May 21.
SPPA and the District met on 04/04/2024 to continue 22-23 negotiations.
District to provide counter proposals to Article 16 Health and Welfare & Article 17 wages.
SPPA to provide a counter to the Extra Compensation MOU
The next negotiation meeting is scheduled for April 18, 2024.
CSEA 318
Parties met on April 3rd regarding the CALPERS Healthcare Mitigation proposal.
CSEA 318 provided a counter from the March 6th negotiation session.
The District was able to provide a counter to their proposal the same day to grandfather the cash-in-lieu of the reduction to stop in 2026 with $523.51 for 11-month employees and $499.32 for 12-month employees instead of a $350 flat amount to start in 2027 (as agreed by other groups). New employees would start at $350 instead of receiving $0 for medical rebates.
The next negotiation meeting is scheduled for April 29th when the district is expecting a counter from CSEA 318.
SUSD POA and the District met on 04/2/2024 to continue negotiations. SUSD POA passed a new proposal with multiple articles for review. See linked proposals.
The next negotiation meeting is scheduled for April 23, 2024.
CSEA 885
CSEA 885 and the District met on 03/27/2024 to discuss CALPERS Healthcare Proposal. The union provided a counter-proposal for the district to review. The union was not available to meet in April for a full negotiation session. To advance negotiations, the district asked for a one-hour Zoom to present the district’s counter on 4/12/24.
STA and the District met on 03/26/2024 to continue negotiations. Please see the document link for a summary of negotiations this year.
The next negotiation meeting is scheduled for April 9, 2024.
CSEA 821
CSEA 821 and the District met on 03/25/2024 for contract negotiations for 2023-2024 reopeners.
CSEA 821 did not pass proposals but discussed what was to be expected which included:
Article 8: Pay and Allowances
Article 10: Fringe Benefits
Article 12: Hours and Overtime
Article 13: Transfers and Promotions
Article 15: Leaves
Article 19: Working Conditions
The next negotiation meeting date is scheduled for April 17 and April 29
SPPA and the District met on 03/14/2024 to continue contract negotiations for 2022-23.
SPPA provided a counter to Article 17: Wages. No agreement was reached at this time.
SPPA provided a counter to Article 16: Health and Welfare Benefits. SPPA and the district agreed on most substantive issues. The district will provide a counter with minor changes by the next session.
The next negotiation dates have been scheduled for April 4 and April 18, 2024
STA and the District met on 3/12/24.
The District passed counter-proposals to the following items: Article 15 (Teacher Safety); Article 22 (Substitute Teachers), Mid Range Association Leave; Retention Bonus/Incentive for Substitutes & Summer Learning Academy (SLA).
STA passed the following proposals: Article 11 (Community Schools) & Article 18 (Wages).
Both parties have tentatively agreed on the following items: Article 15 (Teacher Safety), the Substitute Retention Bonus MOU, and the Mid-Range Association Leave MOU.
The next negotiation date is scheduled for March 26, 2024.
Parties met on 3/7 to resume negotiations. The district passed counter proposals regarding Evaluations and Grievance procedures.
NUHW passed counter proposals regarding Union Rights and Transfers.
The next negotiation dates are scheduled for April 18, May 9, and May 23.
CSEA 318
CSEA 318 and the District met on 3/6/24 to negotiate the CalPers Healthcare Mitigation proposal.
No agreement was reached and the CalPers Healthcare Mitigation proposal negotiations were brought to a close.
The next negotiation date is scheduled for April 3, 2024.
SPPA and the District met on 3/4/24 to resume 2022-23 negotiations. The District passed counter proposals to Article 16, Health and Welfare Benefits & Article 17, Wages. No agreement was reached.
Both parties are scheduled to resume negotiations on March 14, 2024.
CSEA 821
CSEA 821 and the District met on 3/1/24 to negotiate the CalPers Healthcare Mitigation proposal.
No agreement was reached and the CalPers Healthcare Mitigation proposal negotiations were brought to a close.
Reopener negotiations session is scheduled for March 25, 2024.
SUSD POA and the District met on 2/29/24 to negotiate articles.
The District passed a counter proposal regarding Hours and Overtime.
The Union passed proposals regarding Uniform Allowance, Pay and Allowances, Bilingual Pay, Longevity, Holiday Pay, Working Out of Class, and Field Training Officer Stipend.
The next negotiation session is scheduled for April 2, 2024.
STA and the District met on 2/27 to negotiate articles.
The District passed a counter proposal regarding Teaching Hours.
The union passed new proposals regarding Teacher Safety, Substitute Teacher and Mid-Range Association Leave.
The union also passed counter proposals regarding Substitute Teachers Retention Bonus MOU and Teaching in Expanded Learning (Summer School).
Next negotiation session is scheduled for March 12, 2024.
NUHW and the District met to continue negotiations. The district passed counter proposals regarding Disciplinary Action, Union Rights, and Transfers.
NUHW passed a counterproposal on District Rights and proposed articles on Evaluation, Grievance Procedure, and Safety.
Both parties are scheduled to meet again on March 7th.
CSEA 885
CSEA 885 and the District met to negotiate the District’s Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation proposal. No agreement was reached and negotiations have been scheduled for March 6th. See link for District’s proposal.
STA and the district continued to meet to negotiate articles. The district passed a new proposal regarding Summer School and a proposal for a retention bonus/incentive for certificated substitute teachers.
District provided a counter proposal on Article 17: Transfer and Assignment.
Both parties are scheduled to meet on March 12th. In the meantime, an ad-hoc committee meeting will be taking place in preparation for that date.
CSEA 821
CSEA 821 and the District met to negotiate the district’s Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation proposal. No agreement was reached at this time. See the link for the District’s proposal. Both parties agree to meet on 3/1/24.
CSEA 318
CSEA 318 and the District met to negotiate the district’s Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation proposal. No agreement was reached at this time. See the link for the District’s proposal. Both parties agree to meet on 3/1/24
CSEA 885
CSEA 885 and the District met to negotiate the district’s Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation proposal. No agreement was reached at this time. Both parties agreed to meet on February 7th. See the link for the District’s proposal.
SPPA and the District met to negotiate the District’s Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation proposal. Both parties came to a Tentative Agreement. Both parties are scheduled to meet for contract negotiations on 3/4/24. See the link provided.
SPOA and the District met to negotiate the District’s Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation proposal. No agreement was reached at this time. Both parties are scheduled to resume negotiations on 1/31/24. The District’s proposal is attached.
CSEA 821
CSEA 821 and the District met to negotiate the district’s Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation proposal. No agreement was reached at this time. Both parties are scheduled to resume negotiations 2/5/24 . The District’s proposal is attached.
NUHW and the District met to negotiate the District’s Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation proposal and reached a Tentative Agreement!
NUHW passed counter proposals regarding Disciplinary Action and Management Rights. Both parties next negotiation session is scheduled for February 7, 2024
SUSU and the District met to negotiate the district’s Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation proposal. Both parties came to a Tentative Agreement. See the document linked.
SPPA and the district met to continue negotiations regarding the Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation proposal, which includes a one-time 4% bonus for 2022-23, and a $5,000 one-time retention bonus for 2023-24. The next negotiation session is scheduled for February 1st.
USA and the district have reached a Tentative Agreement for 2022-23 successor negotiations. See the document linked.
STA and the district continue to meet to negotiate various articles. On Tuesday, we met and discussed the following articles:
Article 14: Association Rights
Some items discussed were the monthly union orientation for new hires, personnel file confidentiality, and formal complaints against teachers.
Article 6: Teaching Hours
Some items discussed were student Passing Time, Resource Days, and Secondary prep
Both parties are scheduled to meet again on January 23, 2024, to continue negotiations on these articles and others.
The district sent over a Draft Tentative Agreement to SPPA for the Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation, which includes a $5,000 retention bonus, an off-salary schedule 4% bonus and an increase in the district’s medical contribution. See the agreement link.
The district sent over a Draft Tentative Agreement to SUSU for the Healthcare Cost Impact Mitigation, which includes a $5,000 bonus and an increase in the district’s medical contribution. See agreement link.
The district met with STA and submitted a comprehensive counter proposal regarding the impacts of the CalPERS increases. After negotiating the details, we have come to an agreement on the substantive issues.
CSEA 318
The SUSD Board of Education ratified the Tentative Agreement with CSEA 318.
The SUSD Board of Education ratified the Tentative Agreement with SUSU.
All Unions
The district sent a proposal to all unions regarding the impacts of the CalPERS rate increases.
This proposal is intended to notify the unions that the district intends to absorb the cost of the 10.95% CalPERS rate increases to take effect on December 29, 2023.
All Unions
The district met with all union leadership to go over the impact of the CalPERS increases and to inform them that the district intended to negotiate the impact of the increases.