• The Diploma Program (DP) is a rigorous curriculum designed by the International Baccalaureate for juniors and seniors.  Students study six subjects over two years and complete an Extended Essay (a 4,000 word research essay), Theory of Knowledge Course (TOK) and participate in 150 hours of Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS). 

    The Diploma Progarm (DP) is a once in a lifetime educational opportunity that uniquely prepares students for college and beyond. IB students attend universities all over the world, often with scholarships and advanced credits. Franklin High School is home to world-class, specially trained, IB educators who are passionate about their subject area.

  • Why IB?

    • IB research shows that DP graduates are more likely to be accepted at top universities.
    • College credit is often given for IB courses at many universities.
    • International classes prepare students to be leaders in our changing global society.
    • Two year, cohesive, comprehensive curriculum, not a collection of individual courses
    • Students learn to think independently and critically. 
    • CAS provides for meaningful experiences beyond the classroom, encouraging personal growth.
    • Students develop relationships with other like-minded students, creating a rich high school experience.

  • IB provides the tools necessary for college success, including:

    • Independent research skills
    • Demonstrated second language skills
    • Advanced writing and speaking skills
    • Global perspective
    • Proven time management and organizational skills



    ib dp icon

  • The International Baccalaureate Organization’s Diploma Program was created in 1968. It is a demanding pre-university course of study that leads to examinations and it is designed for highly motivated high school juniors and seniors.

    The program has earned a reputation for rigorous curriculum and assessment, giving IB diploma holders access to the world’s leading universities. Franklin High School's IB candidates have gone on to study at Stanford, Yale, the Universities of California, and our United States military academies, along with many other prestigious universities.

    The Diploma Program’s grading system is criterion-referenced, which means that each student’s performance is measured against well-defined levels of achievement. These are consistent from one examination session to the next and are applied equally to all schools.

    Students at FHS can choose a program for their last two years of high school that best serves their needs. Some students will want to try some two-year IB Certificate courses. Others may choose, based on their needs and abilities, to try the full IB Diploma. 


  • Students who are hard-working, eager learners, and are in good standing as scholars are welcome to apply for the FHS IB Diploma Program.

    The application for students entering 11th grade in the Fall of 2025 can be found HERE