Contacting Military Recruiters
Students can meet with military recruiters to ask military-related questions.
Students that are interested in joining any military branch will take the ASVAB. (The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is a multiple-choice test, administered by the United States Military Entrance Processing Command, used to determine qualification for enlistment in the United States Armed Forces.
There will be an ASVAB scheduled for the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semesters. Please lookout for the sign-up sheet.
Website: U.S. Army
Recruiter: Staff Sergeant Donate Pickettay
Email: donate.d.pickettay.mil@mail.mil
Website: U.S. Navy
Recruiter: Petty Officer Bradley Exantus
Email: bradley.exantus1@navy.mil
Website: U.S. Marines
Recruiter: SSGT Angelica Carrillo
Email: angelica.carrillo@marines.usmc.mil
Website: U.S. Air Force
Recruiter: TSgt Curtis Watson
Email: curtis.watson.3@us.af.mil
Website: National Guard
Recruiter: Sgt Kevin Kelly
Phone Number: (916)767-3292