• Everything You Need To Know About Being A Volunteer At August

    If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, you will need to visit the BAM website: http://beamentor.org/stockton.  Once at their website, you will need to enter your personal information and select the school(s) and/or program(s) you would like to volunteer for.  Your information will then be forwarded to the selected school(s)/program(s) (e.g., Preschool, August). 

    The BAM coordinator from the our school, Mr. Francisco Figueroa, will review and approve your application to volunteer. Once you are approved, you will be referred to the Police Department for a background check, ID badge, and possible fingerprinting (depending on the volunteer position).


    Where do I go to get fingerprinted if I want to volunteer?

    All applicants are fingerprinted at the SUSD Police Department, located at, 640 N. San Joaquin Street, Stockton, CA 95202.

    When can I come in?

    Appointments to volunter are scheduled Monday through Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm and 12:30pm to 4:00pm.  They are closed on holidays and weekends.

    What will it cost me to get fingerprinted?

    There is no charge for volunteers to be fingerprinted.

    How do you fingerprint applicants?

    All applicants are fingerprinted electonically via a live scan machine and results are sent to the Department of Justice.

    What do I bring with me?

    Be prepared to show a current State or Federal issued identification card.  They do not accept check cashing cards or expired ID cards for identification purposes.  All photo identification must be current.