Parent Handbook & Discipline Policy

  • Click here to view the Parent Handbook

    Dear Parents and Guardians:

    As principal of August School, my primary goal is to ensure that all students are learning in a nurturing and challenging atmosphere. The staff works with parents, as a team, to create a rigorous learning environment which is focused on high student achievement.

    The staff and teachers at August School believe that all students can learn. In order to achieve this goal, we need your help. We ask that you work with us as a team and be involved in the education of your child. Please check homework every night and talk to your child’s teacher regularly.

    This handbook is a valuable resource for August parents. It clearly outlines the staff’s expectations related to student behavior and school wide discipline policies and procedures. By reviewing this handbook, most of the important questions about our school’s discipline philosophy will be answered. Please contact your child’s teacher with any questions.

    Thank you for your support. I look forward to working with you and your child this school year. If you ever feel the need to discuss any issues with my school staff or me, please call at (209) 933-7160.

    Lori Risso

    Tiger IMage