Mission & Vision Statement


    Mission Statement

    Thomas Alva Edison High School will deliver challenging and meaningful instruction within programs that are designed to prepare all students for a variety of post-secondary opportunities.


    Vision Statement

    Thomas Alva Edison High School will be a locally and nationally renowned learning environment where students, staff, parents, and community members collaborate to ensure that all students are college and career ready.


    Edison High School Alma Mater

    Edison our alma mater
    Give forth thy light
    Guide us to knowledge
    Wisdom and right
    Wherever we may wander
    Let us never fail
    Edison forever
    Alma mater hail

  • Edison High School


    Edison High School Fight Song!

    (Uses part of the Michigan Fight Song) 
    Smash right through that line so true
    Watch the score keep growin’
    Edison is bound to win
    We’re fighting with our vim
    Rah!!   Rah!!  Rah!!!
    See their line is weakening
    We’re goin’ to win this game
    Fight….. team, fight team fight,
    Victory for Edison High!!!!!