College & Career Readiness
College/Career Readiness Calculation
Methodology for measuring performance on College/Career Readiness.
This measure is based on the number of high school graduates who are prepared for college or a career. College or career readiness means completing rigorous coursework, passing challenging exams, or receiving a state seal. The following measures are approved as indicating college or career readiness:
- Career Technical Education Pathway Completion (Minimum of 2 Courses)
- Grade 11 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments in ELA and mathematics (Overall Score of 3 or 4)
- Advanced Placement Exams
- International Baccalaureate Exams
- College Credit Course (formerly called Dual Enrollment)
- a–g Completion (C or better in courses)
- State Seal of Biliteracy
- Military Science/Leadership
More information regarding the CCI is provided in the California School Dashboard Technical Guide, which is posted on the CDE California School Dashboard and System of Support web page at California School Dashboard and System of Support.