Counseling Program
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Counseling Resources

We are safe at home learning and working. Below you will find counseling resources and activities to do at home for staff, students, and families. We will keep updating this page periodically, so keep checking! The counselors at McKinley would like you to know that they are available for staff, students, and families through email from 8-3pm (please see Contact Us page on sidebar).
Stockton Unified has compiled resources for students and families. This includes activities under the academic, social emotional, and college and career domain. Check out the link below to find these resources by grade level. Also, feel free to join the district's Google classrooms for additional counseling resources.
SUSD's School Counselor's Resources Page
Helpful Links:
What If List - Provides resources for families in need of food, shelter, counseling and mental health services, medical care, etc.
Recursos Para Familias en Stockton - Proporciona recursos para familias que necesitan alimentos, refugio, asesoramiento y servicios de salud mental, atención médica, etc.
24 Hour Suicide Prevention Hotline 1 (800) 273-8255
Crisis Text Line Text HOME to 741741
Academic Resources
Brain POP English Language Learning
Social Emotional Resources
Second Step Lessons and Activities
Activities for Emotional Health
Career/College Resources
Financial Literacy 4-6th grade