💕Christina's School Counseling Corner💕
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Greetings Kohl Open School family!
Our 2020-2021 academic school year will be unlike any other academic school year. We will continue with 100% distance learning model. I look forward to our time spent together online via Zoom and Google Classroom!
The end of the 2019-2020 academic school year was rough on us for various reasons. We had to adapt to time spent away from each other. Many of our Kohl families expressed how they felt and still do feel a roller coaster of emotions. These emotions are common. Please remember you are not alone and to share how you feel with a trusted adult (parent, family member, school counselor, teacher, another trusted adult). All of us are here together to encourage and support each other!
Please feel free to reach out to me at any time. Wide open door policy applies face-to-face in person and online.
Friendly reminder to continue to wash your hands, enjoy each other's pleasant company at a social distance (6 ft. apart), and self-care as in take care of your own health!
Warmest of wishes!
..::School Counselor Christina::..