Montero, Josh
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Welcome to 5th grade!
I'm Josh Montero, and I love 5th grade! We get to learn some of the most interesting parts of American history and the science we get to do is so much fun! I will tell you this, my expectations are very high and we will do a lot of work. Whatever level you come into my class at, I am going to do everythng possible to make sure you leave my class ready for 6th grade. The bar is set high, but I can't have high expectations without being willing to help you reach them.
Being able to be back on campus for school is an incredible thing, and I am looking forward to all of us being able to work together to have an incfredible year!
The link to my Back To School Night Zoom is here.
Topic: Back To School NightTime: Aug 5, 2021 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting ID: 964 6164 1996Passcode: 3ZMYMBConnecting:
Google Classroom code: igg6ybk
Instagram: @mrmonterosclass
My primary contact form will be Class Dojo, which can be accessed via hhtp:// or through the FREE Class Dojo mobile ap. You will need a child specific code for that, which I can happily message to you.