PLUS Program: School Climate Data
The PLUS Program collects school climate data throughout the year. We utilize the survey database provided by the PLUS Program called DirectionSurvey. The questions in the database are researched-informed. In 2013, and again in 2017, community stakeholders selected questions to be asked each time students are surveyed. This allows us to keep a pulse on school climate changes. We conduct school-wide surveys for 4th-12th grade two or three times per school year.
PLUS data is reviewed by each individual school site with their PLUS teams and with their site PBIS teams. District-wide PLUS data is also reviewed by the district PLUS coordinator with the PLUS advisors, Assistant Superintendent of Support Services, and the district's PBIS team. Our PLUS program development is on-going and is based on our data. We are proud to have decreased problematic school climate behaviors AND increased positive engagement. With continuous program development at school sites and at the district level, we will continue to address important student issues to build a safe school climate where all students feel a sense of belonging.
In addition to the climate questions listed on this page, student demographic information is also collected: grade level, ethnicity, gender, LGBTQ, living situations, and home language. This information helps us to identify needed school-wide supports that will be beneficial to all student groups.