APEX Learning

  • Here at Stockton High, a majority of our learning takes place through the online learning tool, APEX Learning.  APEX Learning is "a digital curriculum company powered by smart people passionate about learning and motivated by results" (apexlearning.com/about-us).  

    Each Math course offered comes with a detailed outline, referred to in the course as the "Activity Log", which contains the requirements that each student will need to complete for a passing grade/credits.  This outline includes the units the student will cover throughout the course, all the assessments that will be taken along the way, as well as an aligned curriculum to the district adopted textbook. This outline also serves as a log of record for the work each student is completing, both in and out of the classroom.  PARENTS and GUARDIANS, please ask to see your student's Activity Log today! 

    Students enrolled in an APEX course here at Stockton High should be logging in and completing work at a minimum of 2-4 hours a day.  Students that are on a 3-week pacing schedule are expected to complete 4 hours of learning per day. Here at Stockton High, students are placed on a pacing schedule that fits their individual needs.  To see how that pacing schedule is created, click HERE.


    Click the image below to open the APEX Learning login page in a new window.

    APEX Logo


    Watch this short video about APEX Learning.


  • Critical Reflection 1: ICT – taramichelle