August's Student Council was founded 7 years ago. It started with only 8-10 students and has grown to 22. Currently, we have 5 office positions and 17 representatives. The students are very active helping our local community as well as doing things to help on a global level. In the past, we have reaised funds to assist the victims of the Japan Tsunami and Hurricane Sandy. In addition, August students, under the directions of it's student council has contributed towards two different water wells in Africa. On the local level, students continue to collect cans annually for the Stockton Food Bank, and dog food for animal shelters. This lead group has even held toy drives for the Mary Graham Home. On another note, the students have organized school dances, movie night, candy graham sales and carnivals. Overall, our students are learning the important funciton being a community leader. They make us proud Tigers! For more information, visit their student created website at... http://auguststudentcouncil.weebly.com
Mrs. Soggs, Mrs. Spencer & Mrs. Cappalla, Student Council Advisors