About PLUS

  • The PEER LEADERS UNITING STUDENTS (PLUS) Program was founded out of the fundamental need to feel a sense of belonging to a group identity. The goal of the PLUS Team is to protect, connect and educate students in an effort to create a culture on our campus and in our community where inclusion is a reality for all Henry School students. PLUS is out to break down the walls and break up the cliques to bring our campus together.

    PLUS promotes:

    • BondingPro Social Bonding will be realized through interactive discussions and school wide student led forums, which empowers youth with a voice, and a place to build their school community.
    • ResilienceYouth will become resilient though the processes of experiencing activities of meaningful participation and positive peer relations.
    • Social, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and moral competence – Peer to peer network relations, service learning, and proactive involvement in the establishment of social norms and environment are embedded in all PLUS activities.
    • Self-determination, spirituality, and self-efficacyThrough participation in group activities that promote positive behavior, establishing the context to the environment and a service to community; a strong understanding of self is realized.
    • Clear and positive identityYouth will experience a unique process that will develop a positive group identity with a credible social group. 
    • Belief in the future – Youth will have an invested interest in the outcomes of their future. By establishing actions that address the outcomes of critical issues on their campus, youth will have immediate impact on their future.
    • Recognition for positive behaviorYouth will develop a strong understanding to the significance of intrinsic reward for positive behavior.
    • Opportunities for pro-social involvementThe foundation of activities invested in PLUS is based on interrelationships between peers and the involvement of a cross-section of their social community.

The PLUS Team

  • The PLUS Team is a group of students from a variety of backgrounds, grades 5-8, who have a passion to work together as a team to protect, connect and educate students in an effort to create a culture on our campus and in our community where inclusion is a reality for all Henry School students. The students on the PLUS Team have applied, interviewed and were chosen by staff to be part of the PLUS Team. By participating in the PLUS Training, these student leaders will learn how to utilize a series of activities that create a culture of connections, care, community and communication on campus. The PLUS Program creates activities on a campus that foster student connections and a commitment in the student body to take care of their peers, whether they are in the halls, classroom, sporting events or walking home. PLUS Team leaders run the PLUS Forums, put on PLUS activities at lunch and after school and provide school wide support to ALL students in a variety of ways.


  • Ms. Herrera
    PLUS Advisor

    Ms. O'Neill
    PLUS Advisor