Joseph Martinez

  • Principal Martinez

Letter from the Principal

  • August 1, 2024


    Dear PLA Parent(s),

    Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year, and thank you for choosing PLA for your student’s education. Our teachers and staff are excited about our students returning to campus.  We had an amazing year in 2023/2024.  Pacific Law Academy received a status of “High Performing” from the California Department of Education.   Pacific Law Academy has more work to do as we move into the 2024/2025 school year.

    The PLA family culture was immediately re-established by the academic and athletic achievements throughout the past year.  PLA was able to provide events such as the prom, rallies, club fundraisers, grad night, and the end-of-the-year carnival.   As we welcome our new 9th graders, upperclassmen, and other new students to PLA, we would also like to welcome our teaching and support staff back to campus.

    Pacific Law Academy looks to provide opportunities for volunteers and community members to be on campus to support our students. Parents, we thank you for attending our Quarterly Tiger Talk meetings.  We look to increase the attendance from record high attendance last year.  As we move into the school year we will continue to provide engagement opportunities with the PLA community.    

    Back-to-School night will be communicated to parents when school starts this year.

    I am looking forward to welcoming all of our students back to campus for a successful 2024-2025 school year.


    J. Martinez, Principal

    Pacific Law Academy
