School Counseling


    Welcome, King School Lions!


    Welcome to King School’s Counseling Page!

    We are excited to bring you information, resources, and a way to connect with us when needed.

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    Bienvenidos a la pagina de sus consejeras escolares de King!

    Nos complace brindarle informacion, recursos y una forma de contactarnos cuando sea necesario 


    School Counselors are a member of the education team that provides academic, social and emotional, and college and career-ready services and support via various platforms such as individual or group sessions, and classroom instruction. Counselors serve as a student advocate working not just with the students, but the teachers, school staff, and families as well,  while building a positive school-wide culture and improving outcomes such as attendance rates, discipline rates, graduation rates, and more through what is called the MTMDSS. The MTMDSS (Multi-tiered, Multi-domain, systems of support) serves as a tiered structure that ensures all students are served equitably.  

  • School Counselor Office Hours:
    Weekdays 7:30AM - 2:30PM

    Reach out via email to ask any questions, or to schedule an appointment.

    *Virtual services via email, audio, and video conferencing are not secure for personal issues and pose confidentiality issues.

Mrs. Moua
  • We are here for you! // Estamos aqui para ustedes!

    “School counselors work with all students to remove barriers to learning by addressing students’ academic concerns, post-secondary options, and social/emotional increase student achievement and provide a much-needed resource for students, parents, teachers, and administrators," said Kwok-Sze Wong, Ed.D., ASCA executive director.

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