School Hours


    Students are allowed on campus no earlier than 7:40 am

    • School Start Time: 8:10 am
    • School End Time: 2:10 pm
    • School Office Hours: are from 7:30am - 3:30pm
      • (Closing times may vary due to meetings)


    Important Phone Numbers

    • For general calls and attendance reporting
    • 209-933-7325


  • Every year we have an excessive amount of tardies.  Several students arrive at school 2 minutes late, 10 minutes late, 30 minutes late, and even late an hour or more. AT Wilson School, we are all about student success. Students who are often tardy, accumulate a loss of instructional time. Students are often embarrassed and ashamed when they have to enter their classroom after the school day begins. We see this way too often. Students who have good attendance and are on time to school, are more likely to be successful than those often absent or tardy. Please do all you can to get your children to school on time.

    To help alleviate the problem of tardiness….

    Parents must accompany their child to the office if he/she arrives at school after 7:50 a.m.



    • Please call the school office if your child will be out for the day. You can reach the office at (209) 933-7325


    • After three (3) unexcused absences a truancy letter will be sent out to you from the district.


    • After nine (9) consecutive days of absence, the student will be dropped and will need to re-enroll.


    • Students who are tardy 30 minutes or later are considered truant and will be sent a truancy letter after three (3) 30-minute tardies.


    • Students who are frequently tardy or absent from school will be referred to Stockton Unified School District Child Welfare and Attendance.