About the Teacher
Merced Romero

Greetings to you all as we all prepare for the new school year!
I am looking forward to meeting with all of those parents and students who will be part of our class for our return to class. Please be sure to stay tuned to this page for updated information as the year progresses.
We will also be utilizing Google Classroom for a Parent Resource so that messges and other items can be dropped in a linked up for you to access. So be sure to keep an eye out for new items there.
Lastly, for now.... I am once again using Jupitered.com as my grading program. This will be your easiest way to keep track of assignments , grades, behavior reports, and another way of messaging me with questions. I will be contacting each family over the first two weeks of our instructional year so that they can recieve the information they need to access the program for their students.
I look forward to seeing everyone next Monday!
Dr. Romero