About the Teacher
Tamara Gaea
Hello everyone! My name is Tammi Gaea. I am a 3rd grade teacher at Lottie Grunsky School. I have been teaching at Grunsky for 20 years!! I started my first year in 1st grade, then moved to 2nd grade where I stayed for 17 years, until moving to 3rd grade last year! My husband, Mr. Gaea, is also a teacher here at Grunsky. We have 4 children, all of whom have attended Grunsky or are attending Grunsky now. My hobbies include watching my children play sports such as baseball, football, and softball and reading during my free time! I enjoy teaching Science the most but Reading takes a close 2nd place! Lottie Grunsky is my second home and has a special place in my heart ♥!
mrsgaea.educatorpages.com Mrs. Gaea's Distance Learning Webpage