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Families: Complete an Alternative Income Form to Help Your School Maximize Its Funding
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Families,
Thank you for being a part of a successful distance learning start to the 2020-2021 school year! We truly appreciate your support of our students and schools.
Under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), a portion of state funding will be determined based on the demographics of the student population, with higher funding on a per student basis for districts like Stockton that have large concentrations of low-income, English learners, and foster youth populations. Therefore, we are required to establish and confirm the number of students that represent these student groups by having families complete the Alternative Income Form. By taking the time to fill out this form you are taking part in a process that provides thousands of dollars in funds to the school your student attends. Only one Alternative Income Form needs to be filled out per household.
Our goal is to ensure that Stockton's students receive the maximum amount of funds that we are eligible to receive by encouraging our families to complete the Alternative Income Form. To receive the maximum amount, we must have 100% of eligible students/families complete the form.
By completing the Alternative Income Form and turning it in as soon as possible, you will help our schools reach the goal of getting funds to support our students academic achievement, creating equitable learning environments, and building partnerships to develop leadership at all levels. Thank you for your time and support in ensuring that we graduate every single student college, career, and community ready.