Family Services

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    Centralized Enrollment Grades TK-12

    Before proceeding to online registration, please be sure to have the required documents ready to upload. If your child is currently enrolled in SUSD in grades TK-11th, do not apply for the next school year, students automatically roll over.

    • Parent photo ID
    • Two Proof of Address
    • Child's full shot record (if uploading a yellow card, both sides are required)
    • Child's birth certificate.
    • For a complete list of other acceptable documents, see below.
    • If the documents are not submitted properly, your application may be denied.


    To Apply in person, visit:

    1800 S. Sutter St, Stockton CA 95206 AND please bring the following documents

    Parent or Legal Guardian Verification

    • Photo Identification is required: State Issue ID or Driver’s License, Passport/Card, Employee ID

    Address Verification - Bring the following documents (open the envelope and send the full page)

    • Two bills dated within 30 days, or
    • A rental agreement dated within 30 days AND one current mail dated within 30 days, or
    • Two pieces of correspondence from a governmental agency dated within 30 days.

    Proof of Child’s age - Bring one of the following documents

    • Certified copy of Birth Certificate, Passport, Birth Record (other), Baptism Certificate
    • Statement by the local registrar or a county recorder certifying the date of birth
    • Affidavit of Parent, Guardian, or Custodian of a Minor

    Immunization Record: CA schools are required to check original records for all students new to the district

    Prior school records

    • A current report card, transcript, or grades at withdrawal (9th – 12th grades)
    • IEP if the student is receiving special education services (if applicable)


    • Legal documents establishing guardianship or custody (if applicable)

    Interdistrict Transfer agreement (IDA)

    •  If you live outside of SUSD and have applied for an IDA, please attach a copy of your approval letter and contract with your enrollment application (if applicable)


    Health and safety precautions for families and staff are our priority.

    When entering the building at Central Enrollment please adhere to the following:

    • Only one-two persons per family
    • Complete the COVID-19 Self-Check:
      • Anyone in your household w/ signs and symptoms or pending test results?
      • Do you have nausea/vomiting or diarrhea?
      • Do you have muscle aches/headaches/fever/loss of taste or smell?
      • Do you have a fever?
      • Are you coughing?
      • Do you have a sore throat?
      • Are you experiencing shortness of breath?
      • Have you come in contact with a person who has told you they have positive COVID-19 or cared for someone with positive COVID-19 within the last 14 days?


    For Preschool Registration

    Please call (209) 933-7380 ext. 1383. Both Preschool and Head Start enrollment are available online Click here!


    Native American Students Only

    Click here for the form and then return to the Enrollment office or the  Native American Center.  For questions email


    Families in Transition Information

    The Mckinney-Vento Act is a federal law to ensure the educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness. It also protects the rights of students to enroll and/or stay in school even when housing becomes uncertain.

    Click here for more information about Homeless and Unaccompanied Youth


    Foster Youth and Probation

    To provide educational support, along with resources, to address the unique needs of children and youth in the foster care system and/or involved in the juvenile justice system.  

    Click here for more information on Foster Youth or Probation

    Non-Discrimination Statement

    Stockton Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment), and bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, sex, sexual orientation; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or:

    • The District’s Title IX Coordinator, Joanne Castillo, by phone at (209) 933-7037 ext. 2195, by email at, or in person at 56 South Lincoln Street, Stockton, CA 95203.
    • The District’s Equity Compliance Officer, Dr. Dwight Rogers, by phone at (209) 933-7022 ext. 1387, by email at, or in person at 1661 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA 95204.
    • The District’s Title II Coordinator, Youlin Aissa, by phone at (209) 933-7040 ext. 2330, by email at, or in person at 56 South Lincoln Street, Stockton, CA 95203.
    • Section 504 Coordinator, Jennifer Robles by phone at (209) 933-7130 ext. 2617, by email at,  or in person at 1141 Lever Blvd. Room 105, Stockton, CA 95206.

    Declaración de no Discriminación

    El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Stockton  prohíbe discriminación, acoso (incluyendo acoso sexual), atormentar o coercionar, e intimidación incluyendo: la discriminación contra un individuo o grupo por motivos de raza, color, ascendencia, nacionalidad, origen nacional, estado migratorio, identificación de grupo étnico, etnicidad, edad, religión, estado civil, embarazo, estado parental, discapacidad física o mental, sexo, orientación sexual, género, identidad de género, expresión de género o información genética; una percepción de una o más de tales características; o asociación con una persona o grupo, con una o más de estas características reales o percibidas. Si cree que usted, o su estudiante, han sido objeto de discriminación, amedrentamiento, intimidación o acoso escolar, debe comunicarse con el director de su escuela y/o: 

    • Joanne Castillo, Coordinadora de Título IX del Distrito —Teléfono (209) 933-7037 ext. 2195; correo electrónico a, o en persona en 56 South Lincoln Street, Stockton, CA 95203.
    • Dr. Dwight Rogers, Director en Conformidad Legal con la Equidad del Distrito —Teléfono (209) 933-7022 ext. 1387; correo electrónico a,  o en persona en 1661 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA 95204.   
    • Youlin Aissa, Especialista en Conformidad Legal con el Título II del Distrito —Teléfono (209) 933-7040 ext. 2330; correo electrónico a,  o en persona en 56 South Lincoln Street, Stockton, CA 95203.
    • Jennifer Robles, Coordinadora de la Sección 504 —Teléfono al (209) 933-7130 ext. 2617; correo electrónico a,  o en persona en 1141 Lever Blvd. Cuarto 105, Stockton, CA 95206.

    Full Nondiscrimination Policy | Title IX Coordinators | SUSD Title IX Information/Resource Page

Contact Information

  • Ryan Hesse
    Director of Admissions, Attendance & Child Welfare
    (209) 933-7028 ext. 2920

    May Souvanthong
    Sr. Administrative Assistant
    (209) 933-7028 ext. 2937  

    Edith Vargas
    Senior Office Assistant
    (209) 933-7028 ext. 2922

    See Vang Hang 
    Coordinator of Centralized Enrollment
    (209) 933-7028 ext. 2921

    1800 S. Sutter St.
    Stockton, CA 95206
    Phone: 209-933-7028
    Fax: 209-933-6523